Skill Sets
Style Development | Motion Gfx
Art Direction | Digital | Social
Coursework | Content | Style Guide
Collab | Production | Motion Gfx
Art Direction | Collab | Motion Gfx
Art Direction | Product Photography
Collab | Film Photography | Motion Gfx
Coursework | UX | UI
Concept | Motion Gfx
Concept | Motion Gfx
Art Direction | Digital | Social
Personal | Print | Photography
Personal | Concept | Art Photography
Lawrence Chiam
Skill Sets
Style Development | Motion Gfx
Art Direction | Digital | Social
Coursework | Content | Style Guide
Collab | Production | Motion Gfx
Art Direction | Collab | Motion Gfx
Art Direction | Product Photography
Collab | Film Photography | Motion Gfx
Coursework | UX | UI
Concept | Motion Gfx
Concept | Motion Gfx
Art Direction | Digital | Social
Personal | Print | Photography
Personal | Concept | Art Photography
Personal | Concept | Art Photography
The Market Series
A Personal project about the things found and bought in the local market. (2016)
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